Friday, May 25, 2018

Mulholland Dr. - Subconscious & Identity

There are still moments I wonder how amazing a Mulholland Dr. TV series would have been if the Pilot had been successfully picked up and gone to air back in 1999, as originally planned. I imagine the labyrinthine plot unfolding week by week as an amazing cast and guest cast paraded on our TV's  as we follow Adam Kesher's journey trying to make his 60's era film. Or trying to keep track of the many mob and police characters searching for Rita.

But that is really the beauty of the film version of Mulholland Dr. (2001), that it has all this potential development, but it ultimately fades off into something else and it ends like an incomplete dream. There are all these potential worlds to explore, characters to follow and learn to care for, and twists and turns ahead that we want to see, but which we cannot. Like a dream, it just ends with so many threads left open, and you are left with a feeling and a word: "Silencio...."

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