Friday, May 11, 2018

David Lynch Interviewed by Elvis Mitchell (1998)

Check out this informative David Lynch interview with film critic Elvis Mitchell. For those unfamiliar with Elvis, he has long been the host of a film-related interview show on the Independent Film Channel, as well as hosted numerous other TV shows, filmmaker Q&A's, radio shows, and podcasts. He is one of the most experienced and respected film critics in the world and has conducted a number of insightful interviews with the best filmmakers of the generation.
Elvis is one of my favorite interlocutors, spacing out excellent questions with plenty of space to let a filmmaker communicate his personality, style, and working techniques in ways that were exceptionally useful as a young, fledgling filmmaker, too. His interviews are a wealth of filmmaking knowledge that film students, fans, and professionals should study.
With the passing of Gene Siskel, and then many years later Roger Ebert, there has not been a standout film critic to capture the public's attention in quite the same way as that duo. But between Richard Roeper and Elvis Mitchell, they represent some of the best, old-school film critics still actively reviewing movies and interviewing their creators. If I were to try to remake Siskel and Ebert at the Movies, it would probably be with Roeper and Mitchell.

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